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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Not Many Thanks Out There

I can't lie, reading this CS Monitor article rankled me.

Yes, times are tough. Yes, the economy is much worse. Yes, people are hurting. Yes, the future looks like more of the same.

Still, that is no reason to be the Grinch. Hey its just my opinion, but if you are alive and have connections of value to other people, that alone merits gratitude.

Never underestimate the supreme gift of having a human life. This point is missing in our society. Yes it is and it is a big huge problem.

CS Monitor: Thanksgiving 2010: In these hard times, are Americans thankful?
A wavering economy, a polarized electorate, a future in fog.

Charitable giving, one barometer of the collective sense of well-being in the country, is way down in the US...

...2 out of 3 don't want their taxes increased so government can help their neighbors.

..."gratitude-motivated reciprocity" – or positive acts sparked by a feeling of thankfulness – raises the overall level of altruism in society.

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

Segments of the Oligarchy are so busy waging their latest round of class war aimed @ dividing the working class against the ragged remnants of the middle class to mis-directed all the anger out here from themselves that it's created an increasingly ugly situation. While this tiny minority a "new" and extremely nasty aristocracy has managed to take an increasingly large portion of the Nat'l pie and is sitting on trillions in profits,@ the very same time it through it's hired thugs in Congress and in the Media which it also owns wants to gut SSI. Medicare etc. and transfer these funds to Wall at. and themselves with huge new tax cuts. Many out here understand that this elite has decided that reducing significant portions of the pop. to the status of peasants or serfs as their goal.