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Thursday, November 25, 2010

'Its A Wonderful Life' Part 1

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

My wife's favorite movie. Sad that in the real world the Potters ( banksters) actually are slowly reducing millions to penniless paupers just as old man Potter wanted. As for the bank examiner he's now on Potter's payroll and the Savings and Loans were run into bankruptcy and robbed from the inside long ago in the first big bank robbery at the beginning of this era under the anti-FDR Ronaldo Raygun , ironically another Hollyweird icon of this era. It's all turning out badly and if Capra were to do it over today I'm afraid Clarence probably wouldn't be getting his wings after all, instead he'd just be another "fallen" Angel dishing out misery to the rest of us ala Lucifer, God's other fallen son.