Tuesday, December 15, 2009

More On Africa

McClatchy continues its excellent series on Africa from its huge baby boom to the strangle hold of impoverishment on the ordinary person.

This article gets into a life of a young girl pressured to get married. You can see how the cycle continues. The family can't afford the children so they force the girls out to get married at a very young age. They in turn have lots of children and on it goes. The men meanwhile are equally as frustrated and contained and go about the messiness of drinking and frustration.

Just a mess.

The continent needs massive education in birth control usage and massive support to get this underway. The Bush touch once again messed this one up but good.

McClatchy: Pressured to marry, African girl fights for her education
As Africa experiences one of the greatest population explosions ever recorded, millions of girls are forced into leaving the classroom and marrying early, often to ease the financial strains on their large families. By jump-starting their own child-bearing years, experts say, these young brides become trapped in a cycle of poverty, expose themselves to grave health risks and contribute to a baby boom that's already adding a child to the continent every second.

"Why would I want a husband?" she said, perched on a grass mat outside her mother's mud-brick hut one recent afternoon, her soft voice curling into a snicker. "You find the man can't read; he's drinking every day. I would be busy with children all day or stuck farming. It's not a good life."

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