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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Health Care Reform On Tuesday

Now does "insurers would be barred from rejecting anyone because of pre-existing conditions" mean that if you have a pre-existing condition it is now covered. Or does it mean that if you become a new customer, then it doesn't matter, your pre-existing condition is covered. Is this a retroactive measure or a new member only measure.

I keep getting a no deal for a missing molar that needs a fake tooth. I would like to get it filled...

McClatchy: With Senate health care win likely, Dems now must woo public
Under both bills, insurers would be barred from rejecting anyone because of pre-existing conditions. Gone, too, would be the practice in many states of charging women more than men, and insurers would be limited in how much they could increase rates on older people.

Both houses agree on financial help for people having trouble affording coverage: They both would provide aid to families earning up to about $88,000 per year.

What could derail the entire effort are areas in which Democratic leaders have struggled for months to find common ground: abortion, taxes and the public option.

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