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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Franken Again

Al Franken so far has impressed as a Senator.

Recall how an employee of Haliburton working in Iraq was gang raped by her coworkers. It was a horrible story and at the time she had no recourse.

Franken created legislation that will require the government to not do business with corporations that have no arbitration process in such cases of assault and rape.

Republicans have balked, after all its Haliburton. I look forward to listening to Dick Cheney blow smoke on this one.

McClatchy: Plight of contractor raped in Iraq spurs push in Congress
Jones herself is not directly affected by the amendment. But after a hard-fought four-year battle, she won the right to sue her attackers and the company under a ruling in September by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Her case is expected to go to trial next year.

Jamie Leigh Jones is a strong, courageous woman, who used her own horrific experience to inspire change," said Franken in a statement.

"I am honored to know her, and honored to have been a part of her cause," Franken said. "I came to Washington to stand up for folks like Jamie Leigh, and stand up to the powerful interests that too often silence their voices."

The provision had a contentious debate in the Senate, where it passed in October 68-30 — engendering a vocal critique of the 30 all white, all male "no" voters, including Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. Cornyn, a former Texas Supreme Court judge, said that he was a strong advocate for victims but he was opposed to a provision that would benefit trial lawyers.


Glynn Kalara said...

Their not laughing @ Al anymore are they? We need many more Senators like Franken to ever get any meaningful change out of our system. The present team cannot and will not deliver on Reform.

Jim Sande said...

The man's okay, hopefully his activity as a politician won't get all corrupted and he can maintain his integrity.