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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cell Phone Warning

Several years ago there was a loud noise made about a risk of cell phones causing brain tumors.

The warning is coming back. Maine is considering legislation to make a cell phone warning mandatory, one would suspect a similar warning to the one on a pack of cigarettes.

The warning is in place in other countries. Americans like to give corporations the benefit of the doubt and trust that all corporate products are good and wholesome, and no I am not listing the dangerous products. We assume a consumer friendly posture rather than a prove it to me posture.

And how has that worked out...

Yahoo: Maine to consider cell phone cancer warning
The Federal Communications Commission, which maintains that all cell phones sold in the U.S. are safe, has set a standard for the "specific absorption rate" of radiofrequency energy, but it doesn't require handset makers to divulge radiation levels.

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