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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Virginity Pledge

America is the land of sexual miscreants. There I said it.

You can see any kind of porno any instant on the web, most main stream TV shows have tons of skin, but its all just window dressing.

Basically most people are sexually screwed up. There I said it. We live in a virtual sex nation and that's criminal.

The heady blend of Puritanism, conservatism, Catholicism, repression over generations, and pop culture makes for dysfunction of a magnitude that defies understanding.

Taking a virginity pledge is utter nonsense. Parents that push their kids into this kind of thing need serious counseling and $500 in sex toys for each other.

You can't play the guitar with 1 hour of practice, you can't expect any kind of understanding about sex with no attention. Its just the opposite, we need more sex ed, more discussion, more inclusiveness, everybody gets in on the f###ing act.

CNN: Virginity pledges don't mean much, study says
According to a study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics, pledge takers are as likely to have sex before marriage as other teens who are also religious, but don't take the pledge. However, pledge takers are less likely than other religious or conservative teens to use condoms or birth control when they do start having sex.

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