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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Israel Bombs The Gaza

This is just terrible.

The last thing we want to see is an escalation to the never ending Israel - Palestinian conflict.

The amount of writing, analysis, mental energy of some of the world's best minds, good will, and simple desire for peace have amounted to nothing. The sum total of all efforts at creating harmony in this case is flushed with this latest attack.

What will be the outcome, we've seen it repeated ad nauseum - suicide attacks, reprisals, assassinations, attempts at reconciliation, and tons of misery, and misery upon misery.

The political system involved that allegedly works to secure a semblance of peace is worthless.

Everybody has answers for this thing, but it all amounts to whistling into a typhoon.

I am completely bummed.

Reuters: Israel attacks Gaza, more than 155 reported killed
Black smoke billowed over Gaza City, where the dead and wounded lay scattered on the ground after more than 30 air strikes destroyed Palestinian security compounds, including two where Hamas was hosting graduation ceremonies for new recruits.


Glynn Kalara said...

It's really sad. I wonder though how we'd act if say Mexican Nat'list bent on re-claiming Calif, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas started rocketing our southern cities? They'd have a helluva of a historical claim being that most Mexicans are really a 90% mix of AmerIndians and Spanish. Plus, they actually OWNED the land by title just 175 yrs. ago and we NEVER ever owned it or occupied it previous too that! Nevertheless, I would garner we would probably not respond with peace overtures, nor would we care very much what the rest of humanity thought or said. The 1st obligation of any Gov't is too protect and defend their citizens against external attack. I know I sound like I'm tilted toward the Israelis on this and I admit I am, but maybe if the Pals could halt using those rockets and blowing up Israelis in restaurants and on buses, who knows what might develop? It's a tough call. I doubt frankly that we'll be seeing any peace in this area any time soon. Maybe, Obama's team can do better?

Jim Sande said...

Its hard to imagine Obama doing worse.

Its mostly because there is almost no worse to get to, its already worse.

I would like to see an international gathering of about 200,000 people to come and sit as in meditate on the borders between Israel and Palestine. Sit there in complete silence and with no partisan interest for a couple of months.

The other option is to have a massive world conspiracy that fools the Israelis and the Palestinians into thinking a huge asteroid is going to wipe them both out.

Other than that I got nothing, and clearly nobody else does either.

Glynn Kalara said...

It's a tough one for sure. It's like a really bad divorce where both claim the house and only want it if the other person is dead. The usual way such things end is with one or both dead.