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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Second Hand

We are aware of many adjustments that people are making in a great recession.

Little things change, we are reading about higher sales of spam, pawnbrokers doing greater business, and now the article explores the rise of second hand shops.

It all makes sense. If you are broke, you still need food, clothing, and shelter.

Somewhere out there is a recession entrepreneur. This person is establishing stores that cater to all of these needs. I've noticed more dollar stores as well.

Reuters: Americans sell possessions, buy used to cut costs
These days, when manager Trish Dollard shows up to work at a children's second-hand store, parents are waiting outside hoping to exchange their used toys, clothes and baby gear for a little extra cash.


Glynn Kalara said...

Making gifts like we've been doing now for two yrs. It's fun and people really like getting hand made gifts, if there not junk. I even sold some stuff at a small craft sale the other night for my wife's Union. Hell, I guess I'm an artist /craftsman now. Unfortunately, it's just pin $$ as they say and if we had too live on the proceeds we'd be dead in a few weeks.

One of my favorite old paintings right now is Jean Millet's famous 19th century work the "Gleaners".

steve t said...

steve's clothing is looking to make a comeback with an internet radio station on board. Stay tuned.

Jim Sande said...

GK if you are selling stuff that makes you a pro. Pin money is where it usually starts.

Steve - I look forward to the enterprise - who are your investors?

steve t said...

I'll do it on my own. It shouldn't be too capital intensive.