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Monday, December 31, 2007


There was a film clip on the website Raw Story that caught my attention.

The clip is about the noticeable decline in bird populations across North America.

Taking a look at the Audubon Society website confirms the plight.

When you match this plight to the simultaneous decline in the honey bee population i.e. 'colony collapse disorder', the alarm becomes clearer.

The answer and action needed is simultaneously obvious and complicated.

Land usage needs to be undertaken with a distinct sensitivity to the environment. On the other hand, how do you change the behaviors of societies that are rapidly growing and continue to build and expand on new land.

They say that the economy is upper most in the minds of people regarding the upcoming 2008 elections. The war in Iraq is falling from people's minds.

Its the environment, stupid.

Audubon: Impacts on Birds & Wildlife: Fact Sheets
In large parts of the U.S., over half of our songbird species are in decline. Scientists say habitat destruction, caused by rapid human population growth, is partly to blame.

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