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Thursday, March 17, 2016


  For the record there are 34 Senate seats up for grabs in 2016. 24 of those seats are held by Republicans. Therefore when Mitch McConnell has the audacity to go before America and say that the American people need to weigh in on the Supreme Court pick, he is drowning, literally drowning up to his hair plugs in hypocrisy. Because let us not forget that the Republican majority that is making this ugly decision to not weigh Merrick Garland for the Supremes, that Republican majority is also on the same alleged ground that the presidency is on. In other words what gives a Republican majority the right to make such a constitutionally violating decision when using their own 'logic' they hold no power either because their seats in the Senate are up for grabs too. 


Glynn Kalara said...

It's not about the Constitution, it's just about POWER. If it was a Repub. President in right now another Scalia would have already been seated , no talk about the next President and the people having the right blah blah. All hypocritical nonsense, they know it the min. they fart it out their mouths. Assholes, pure and simple, but as I like to say, elections have consequences and this is one of them. With Hillary running this fall I kind of don't blame them, what do they have to lose? PLus, as is usual with Obama he's nominated a (D). conservative, so even if Hillary wins they'll just put this guy in anyway and still probably be ok. It's a win win for them.

Jim Sande said...

I hope they get burned by this. That's my hope. Mitch McConnell, nasty SOB for decades...