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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Global Warming - The Arctic

USA Today: Arctic sea ice sets wintertime record low thanks to global warming
Arctic temperatures this winter were up to 15 degrees higher than average, according to NASA.


Glynn Kalara said...

The extreme warming in the Arctic was predicted by computer models decades ago and now it's underway. Another prediction is also underway and that's the slow down and possible shut down of the AMOC ( the Ocean currents that transport heat energy around the planet's Oceans.) As Greenland and West Antarctica melt they are releasing enormous amounts of fresh water onto the surface of the Ocean. This water floats on top of the salt water which is much heavier. This lid of fresh water is now visible by satellite in both regions of the Atlantic and it's causing the over turning current to slow and this is altering the heat transport system in the atmosphere. This is extremely bad news. The end result of these events will be an increase in super storms in all the world's ocean's. This is how the planet will shift gears to allow all the heat being stored in the Ocean's to be released. This has happened in the past.

Jim Sande said...

Super storms here we come. It will wake some people up, unfortunately the destruction is going to hurt.