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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Global Warming - Hope!

Climate Central: New Hope For U.S. Coastlines Even As Seas Rise
About 70 percent of the shoreline from Virginia to Maine could evolve naturally to meet hastening rises in sea levels, the scientists concluded, slowing the losses of land that have been projected by other research.


Glynn Kalara said...

Anyone who has studied this situation already knew most of what this study has concluded. I could direct you to more then a few books on the topic that have said essentially the same thing for decades. Here's the rub, we know natural systems where they still exist will adapt as they have countless times in the past. The problem isn't them. The problem is the massively built Coastal cities and towns that will have a helluva a time adapting to what is already a increasingly rapid rate of rise in many areas. This article and others are being released to try and counter Dr. Hansen's teams scary report which is calling for a much faster rate much sooner then present predictions. Keep in mind most of the people and agencies making many of these predictions have been dead wrong in the past and Hansen has been right. I can tell you this sea rise along where I live is very evident to anyone over 50 yrs. old. In fact, sea rise the last 10 yrs. has noticeably accelerated here. Major flooding events happen now in even moderate storms now, something that never occurred in the past. Nevertheless, people keep building and buying homes here and I hope they do so I can eventually sell and move to higher ground.

Jim Sande said...

Sometimes I post stuff for all kinds of weird reasons. When I saw the article my skeptical alarm bell went off too. But, I had to pay it some respect because overall I like what Climate Central does, I believe they are a well intention-ed group. I think that in the realm of people who follow global warming intensely, one would look at some published report like this one as a bright spot possibly, it's like hey just give me a glimmer of hope here please. I've read that some of the more deeply involved climate scientists of the world literally walk around like they have PTSD. They see the evidence, know the science, and deal with the way people give them a deaf ear and that the media for all kinds of reasons feels it's appropriate to give the deniers equal space in the headlines. I'm wondering though, what is it that would say to you, okay, time to move on out? Is it extreme weather, more evidence of sea level rise, etc?

Glynn Kalara said...

Honestly Jim it's not going to matter much going forward what anyone thinks. It is going to matter what they do. Too many are still in denial and frankly like I said selfishly I hope they stay there for a few more yrs. so I can sell my home here and move to higher ground. I think Hansen is dead on in his latest warning to head to high ground sooner then later. I have Coastal geologist friends that are saying exactly the same thing. This is happening now and is going to get EXPONENTIALLY worse , it's not going to be a nice gradual rise like most people are being lulled into thinking by articles like this. All we need here for the entire barrier island environment to literally disappear ( where it's presently built on) is about 6 feet of rise and that's baked in this century or earlier. Let me put this in perspective the Ocean started rising again after a 5K lull in 1880. It's rose already about a foot since then. What's scary now is that the rate of rise is going up faster and as the ice melts and the seas rise it's going to go up even faster. What does NYC do? What does Baltimore or Boston do? Miami already is going under as I write this. Yet, people in Fla. who know better are still building massive buildings right near the beach and bays! Stupid, but there it is. The power of human denial is greater then nature, or is it?