Thursday, March 03, 2016

Global Warming - Arctic Ice, February

Climate Central: Another Month, Another Troubling Arctic Sea Ice Record
The most freakishly warm month on record, record atmospheric heat in February and now for the second month in a row, a new monthly Arctic sea ice low.


Glynn Kalara said...

The headlines in 25 yrs, will read something like this. Exxon, BP and the Russian Oil giant Gazprom are happy to announce another huge find of oil and gas in the now ice free arctic and Pres. Rubio has approved more drilling in the future. In other news, millions of Bangla Deshis flee mega Typhoon Ida with winds of 350 mph. Climate denialist claim that there is no connection to this storm and global warming. The 50th Climate conference is being held this year in NYC in Jan. with temps. in the lower 70's. The World's leaders have pledged to reduce GHG emissions by 50% in 20 yrs. ! ( when their safely out of office.)

Jim Sande said...

Sounds about right, that's it.