Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Eleven States

MSNBC: Can Clinton deal Sanders a fatal blow on Super Tuesday?
Sanders’ five target states – Colorado, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Vermont and Oklahoma – hold a combined 288 delegates to Clinton’s 571, so even a very good performance for him still may not be good enough. Vermont, for instance, where Sanders might sweep every delegate, has only 16 to offer.


Glynn Kalara said...

Sadly, It's over for the insurgent campaign of Sen. Sanders today. He should fold up his tent after the trouncing Hillary is going to give him today. I say that because even if he wins Illinois and Calif. and a few other big blue states he still can't win the nomination and dragging everyone through a contentious ugly campaign serves only Donald Trump from here on. I believe he's going to do just that tomorrow or tonight. The math just doesn't add up for old Bernie. Trying to take over the (D) party from outside was a reach to say the least. His message was strong , but not enough people are rallying to it sadly. Corp. America owns the ranch and it appears it's employees as well.

Jim Sande said...

Wow, you think Bernie folds in the cards tonight or tomorrow? Wow, haven't given that a thought till now. He says he wants to stay in the race for the long haul. Let's see where the tea leaves take us.