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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

53% To 41%

MSNBC: Clinton maintains strong national lead, but many millennials think Sanders will win nomination
Clinton maintains a 53 percent level of support from registered Democrats and Democratic-leaners. Sanders holds 41 percent support.


Glynn Kalara said...

Bernie will do much better in the next round according to Nate Silver, but then comes the whales Calif., NY Pa and NJ and I don't see him doing much better then match game in these States and therein lies the reason he's losing. It's more then likely going to be HRC vs. Trump this fall. I've already accepted this situation. It just means we can chose a sane Gov't , but one that doesn't really care about the 90% or Trump and God knows what that means?

Jim Sande said...

Trump is a very divisive character. For me he's really kind of repulsive, I mean I've disliked plenty of candidates and their policies, but for me he's in a very special solitary outhouse.