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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Unminced Words

AlterNet: Sarah Palin Leads 7 Vilest Right Wingers This Week: "Waterboarding is How We Baptize Terrorists" Sarah Palin offends her Christian allies for "her sacrilegious jibe" ... and more.


Glynn Kalara said...

Andy Warhol's famous statement about everyone getting their 15 mins of fame doesn't seem to apply to some folks on the right for some reason or another. How else can one explain the fact that almost 8 yrs. on we are still being subjected to the likes of a total pin head like Sarah. Apparently right wing fame lasts for 15 yrs. in some cases.

Jim Sande said...

She's a lightweight with a nasty tongue. In this day and age, that's important and meaningful to similarly minded people.