Friday, May 23, 2014

Maddow - Electric Chair Gets Another Look After Problems With Lethal Injection Drugs


Glynn Kalara said...

I'm for bringing back be headings and putting the deceased head up on a pike in a public space. Gets people's attention ( deterrence being the main message here ) and sends a clear message, don't fuck with us , or else! Plus, I liked the way back in old King Henry the 8th's time you could pay the axe - man in advance to put a quick relatively painless end to yourself. Take my word for it this was one tip you really wanted to do the whole 20%.

Jim Sande said...

I recommend the first part of Foucault's 'Discipline and Punish'. They would make killing somebody an all day event back in the dark ages. Makes the electric chair look like a chaise lounger.