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Friday, May 23, 2014

Global Warming - Coulter Chimes In

Somebody should put together a little clip of Coulter's weekly incorrect and ridiculous predictions. Regardless, Congress can't even gets its pointy little head around doling out lunches to poor school children, and we expect these same people to tackle the complexity of global warming - uh uh, not going to happen. There is only one possible approach to curtailing greenhouse emissions. That would be through people not using energy that produces CO2. If the demand is not there, then the oil company goes the way of the Edsel. What is the likelihood of this happening? We know the answer.

RCP: Coulter: Those Who Don't Believe In Global Warming Are Treated Like Holocaust Deniers


Glynn Kalara said...

You know Ann has it right on this for once. It's just that Ann missed the part about the fact that like Holocaust deniers, Climate deniers are CRAZY!!

Jim Sande said...

I've watched her a bit recently, I think she's toning down crazy just a little - purely a P.R. tactic. The deniers do not even belong in the debate anymore, and for the same reason that holocaust deniers don't belong in the debate. They are marginalized lunatics.