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Friday, May 16, 2014

TRNN - The FCC Moves To Kill Net Neutrality


Glynn Kalara said...

No surprise here. The Oligarchs and Plutocrats are merely slamming shut the door on the biggest threat to them still out here, or at least what they think is. Truth is the Internet IMO acts more as a pressure relief valve for the anger and growing sense of outrage at how the deck is being dealt these days. People come into these sites and blogs and vent their rage. On most big political sites everything their writing is being recorded and someone is analyzing the discussions. By making this a more difficult process or dialogue the Intell. folks are actually just going to make their own jobs harder. If denied access to this outlet , people will find another route to communicate with like minded individuals and they might even go silent ( underground.)

Jim Sande said...

You make an interesting point. I always thought it was about sales, biggest bandwidth gets the most customers. Everybody else gets the left overs. What you say is so true though. People are outrageously angry.