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Sunday, May 18, 2014

TRNN - Antibiotics Are Becoming Useless All Over the World, Why?


Glynn Kalara said...

They got it right at the start. Anti-Bs are expensive to discover and they don't produce huge amounts of PROFIT. The real disease we need to cure is GREED for short term PROFITS and GRRED that cares only about the next Qtrs. statement. Millions will die unless we get on the horn fast and start to FORCE the drug companies to either invest in this area or lose their licensing to produce any drugs at all. They shouldn't be left by the regulators like the FDA to just do what makes them money no matter what , even when public safety on a global scale is in the balance. Flu vaccinations a few yrs. ago where another example of there short term thinking and it took the Gov'ts to step in and remedy that situation. Same here.

Jim Sande said...

They've seen this one coming for a while. Looks like nothing has been done to derail it, and as you say it's mostly about profit/greed, not public health or safety. Health care is in such a sorry state, unfortunately I am one of the many getting into older years and like millions, I will need the crumbs I can get.