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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Global Warming - 'Cosmos'

Mother Jones: "Cosmos" Explains How Global Warming Threatens Civilization as We Know It - Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the amazing things that we can accomplish...if we don't destroy ourselves first.


Glynn Kalara said...

Its apparently going to take a whole lot more before people wake up to the really serious nature of Climate change. By the time they do I'm afraid it will be way to late and when they do my guess is they'll be wondering why nothing much had been done about what will then be obvious to everyone , even Rush Limpdong. He'll of course blame Libruls and BIG Gov't for the problem.

Jim Sande said...

I think the change occurs like this for anything. There's the people on the cutting edge, then the persuadable center, then comes the die hard conservatives. I agree though, we are already too far along, especially considering CO2 lasts for 100 years in the atmosphere as a global warming gas and we are adding to the CO2 constantly.