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Friday, October 22, 2010

Terrorist Health Benefits Blow

L’Houssaine Kherchtou says he quit al Qaeda because they wouldn't pay for his pregnant wife's health care.

Is there a crazed irony here? Words are escaping me on this one...

Bloomberg: Witness Testifies He Left Al-Qaeda Over Payment of Wife’s Care


Glynn Kalara said...

No, actually it makes sense since Al Q is essentially a rt. wing religious org. like our own Fundies and a core principle is that they are anti-women and anti-socialist.

Jim Sande said...

That makes sense to me.

Still even before that aspect of family coverage and such, it strikes me as an odd statement that he leaves the group because they offer inadequate health care coverage. There's so many aspect to this that are bizarre in my mind. So what did he do next, go work for the state where the bennies are out of sight. The idea that the bottom line is health care for this guy is very strange. He's describing a career move. "Went to work for al Qaeda but they only gave 2 weeks vacation and paid holidays, no double overtime, and the health care plan sucked."

Glynn Kalara said...

Actually, for many in that part of the world your right it's a job or even a career. Maybe, they see it no different then people here that become mercenaries and expect to be paid?