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Monday, October 25, 2010

Signs Of A Resurgence

Tea Party - Democrats - Tea Party - Democrats, yeah, I am going with the Dems. Its the poison that will kill you immediately versus the poison that will kill you a little bit later.

Newsweek: Poll: Obama Approval Rating Jumps, Democrats Close ‘Enthusiasm Gap’
...the difference in enthusiasm between Democratic and Republican voters may be less stark than some other polls have suggested. A small plurality of registered voters—48 to 43 percent—would prefer that Democrats keep control of Congress.


Glynn Kalara said...

I don't believe it. The Dems are about to get slaughtered and thy can blame their erstwhile leader for his passionless and dishonest regime of the last two yrs. If they do hold unto power it's only because the public fears the Tea Party and the Gopers more. Some choice. A shit sandwich with fries or just plain.

Jim Sande said...

I hope you are wrong. I understand a small change to the right, but a slaughter will send me into a coma.

The country will go nowhere with a Tea Party victory. We know this.

Glynn Kalara said...

Of course it won't. I suggest u read Chris Hedges critique today of Liberals. It's scary and I'm afraid I agree with much of it.