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Friday, October 22, 2010

Speeding Up Settlement Construction

This is just not helpful.

What is the goal here? Is the idea to take over the land, disperse the Palestinians, and recreate a new version of the American 19th century Westward expansion. The "Indians" didn't make out too well last I looked. What humanistic lesson is not occurring here?

CS Monitor: Pace of Israeli settlement construction four times faster than prior to freeze
Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank – land expected to be at the nucleus of an independent Palestinian state in any peace deal with Israel – has surged since a partial freeze on settlement expansion expired on Sept. 26, says the left-leaning Israeli group Peace Now.

...settlers have begun construction on more than 600 new homes in the West Bank since Israel's 10-month moratorium on expansion expired.

Settlement expansion in the West Bank has become the most visible obstacle to peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian officials touted by President Obama. The Palestinians see the expanding settlements as creating "facts on the ground" that demonstrate Israel is unwilling to give up land conquered in 1967's Arab-Israeli war for peace.


Jim Sande said...

Look this is an intractable mess. I don't think the world sees Israelis as backing down from a battle. Quite the opposite really. Also I would suspect that Israelis were involved in the Iraq debacle, with some covert boots on the ground operation. I recall reading that.

Over time humanity will intermingle in a way that will blur our cultural differences and distinctions. Palestinians make up a large part of the population of Israel, its true. Interesting to note that the photo accompanying this article in CS Monitor shows Palestinians building the houses! What does that say?

Is this really going to help though? This is the point. How is peace going to occur? How are these two peoples going to co=exist? Are these settlements going to push the process forward or backward? That's the question I am asking.

Glynn Kalara said...

No, Ed your not getting what I'm saying. ALL land everywhere on EARTH is held by FORCE. The winners writes history, in the short anyway. Don't believe me ask the Aztecs ..Oh right they don't exist anymore or try out the Romans seen any lately? Etc. et al. Israel is a Jewish State for as long as JEWS can make it so and not a moment longer. I suspect given the odds over there it will be maybe another 50 yrs . and then it will be half under water and half occupied by Russians or Ugandans? Who cares really, in the long run whomever owns it will hopefully still be human. Or will they?

Ed said...

So... you're saying that for the Israelis to forcibly build homes on Palestinian territory is perfectly normal in the scheme of things.

Point taken.

Glynn Kalara said...

No, I'm not saying anything of the kind. All I'm saying is if they can make it stick then yea it will have the force of law..theirs. Right now we own NJ but who knows maybe the Delaware will eventually find some old treaties and go to the SCOTUS and win back half of it? I'm just saying the owning of land , countries continents is an ever shifting thing not somehow chiseled in stone. You and your people own it one day and the very next it's someone else's. Sometimes by war but most times simply by transaction. I was trying to make the pt. that both sides in a war try and de -legitimize the other side that's to be expected. I'm rooting for the Jews in this one mainly becaue I'm a Jew no. 1 and 2. the Arabs already have 22 other nations and 1/4 of the earth's resources. They can spare a few hundred sq. miles. My people have been hounded and killed by all sides for 2k yrs. and now were armed to the teeth ( with nukes) so fucking with us could be a bit more problematic, if you know what I mean. Obviously, I'm not a pacifist. It's my tribe dude , I'm a Zebulon. ;)