Saturday, January 02, 2010

Usual Suspects, Usual Blather

Its a new year and its important to check on the neocon pulse. In my opinion the parasite on the underbelly of American policy has a beautiful waiting host in the form of Palin. She is perfect. Sarah is all about winning and leaving the policy to us as in us folks at the A.E.I. Like George Bush she is a positive negative, positively must win yet could care less about policy. An interest in policy might require having an aptitude for broad study as step one. Sarah never got to first base, never even got up to the batter's box.

So what is on the mind of the American Enterprise Institute 11.5 months into the Obama administration.

Its all about bashing Obama. Imagine that.

The top three lead stories on the sight are excerpted and linked below. Is there a pattern emerging?

A.E.I.: Mistaken Assumptions
Barack Obama has based his policies as President on two assumptions. One year after his election both assumptions appear to have been mistaken.
A.E.I.: The Open Hand, Slapped President Obama's mounting misadventures in foreign and security policy...
A.E.I.: Obama's Suck-Up to China Isn't Working

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