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Monday, January 25, 2010

Fast Food Burger Lovers - Do Not Read This

Lordy, lordy, lordy

I have sworn off TV and fast food joints. Plus after seeing a film on how cows are processed for meat, I am off beef as well. Maybe there will be a time when I have no choice, but till that time, no thanks.

Do not read this if you have just eaten...

The Natural News: What's really in that burger? E.coli and chicken feces both allowed by USDA
People assume that beef found to be contaminated with E. coli must be thrown out or destroyed (or even recalled), but in reality, it's often just pressed into hamburger patties, cooked, and sold to consumers. This practice is openly endorsed by the USDA.

But E. coli may not be the worst thing in your burger: USDA regulations also allow chicken feces to be used as feed for cows, meaning your hamburger beef may be made of second-hand chicken poop, recycled through the stomachs of cows.

According to the FDA, farmers feed their cattle anywhere from 1 million to 2 million tons of chicken feces each year. This cross-species crap-as-food practice worries critics who are concerned it may lead to increased risk of mad cow disease contaminating beef products. So they want to ban the practice and disallow the feeding of chicken litter to cow.

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