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Monday, February 23, 2009

"Whippin' Post"

Frank Zappa


Glynn Kalara said...

Met Zappa once 40 yrs. ago. Funny story. I was surfing in AC and ran over him with my surfboard. ( he's was swimming) I guess, I LOL Zapped Zappa?

Jim Sande said...

That's a good story. Did he say anything to you?

I used to listen to Zappa as a teen and I always liked the way he would use any style of music. It strikes me now like he is quite torn. On the one hand he was a good musician and writer, on the other he was so bitingly sarcastic that it seemed like he hated everything including what he was doing. He was trying to figure out how to live as a contented person in a merciless atmosphere and business along with prevalent attitudes that he considered arcane. He decided that his weapon of choice was sarcasm. The problem with sarcasm is that it carries negative energy, its hard to sift through it and like it.