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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Waste Management

Let's be adults about this. The topic is human waste management. The NYT article presents an interesting alternative to the sewage system treatment plant that we are familiar with.

Like it or not, this is the future. It might not happen in our lifetimes but its still going to happen.

The old farmhouse that we bought has a commode that must use enough water to irrigate an acre in summer, in one flush. The new European design commode is soon to make its appearance here. I suspect my water bill will be cut by about 60 to 70%.

NYT: Yellow Is the New Green
...after a decent period of storage and composting, be applied to the fields as pathogen-free, expense-free fertilizer.

Toilets can use up to 30 percent of a household’s water supply.


Glynn Kalara said...

During the drought in Calif., a few yrs. ago a buddy of mine sent me the general potty rule in Calif. It went like this. "If it's brown it goes down ( flushed), if it's yellow it's mellow ( not flushed).

Jim Sande said...

This is going to become the new terror code, the yellow to brown to green code.