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Sunday, March 22, 2015


Sunday Express: Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days - SCIENTISTS conducting a mindbending experiment at the Large Hadron Collider next week hope to connect with a PARALLEL UNIVERSE outside of our own. By Paul Baldwin


Anonymous said...

Jesus, I wouldn't get too excited. The Sunday Express is sort of like the National Enquirer. Yes, experiments are being conducted, but this article is hype on top of hype.

Jim Sande said...

I know, the rag has decided to go with catastrophic science predictions and celebrity wardrobe malfunctions. It's a heady mix. But we need some levity around here once in a while. (notice how I'm scrambling for an excuse....)

Anonymous said...

For levity, I turned to

Some funny campaign slogans for Ted Cruz. For example:

“The only thing we have to fear is this list of things you can find on my campaign website”

Glynn Kalara said...

Maybe the LHC will cause a tear in the Universe and Ted Cruz and his followers will fall into it. :)

Jim Sande said...

Hah! - They're probably already worried about this very thing given their penchant for unrealistic fear.