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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bolton Bomb

  The author - none other than neocon John Bolton, of course he wants war. It's unfortunate but this guy is going to follow us around through the news for as long as we care to read it. How does a hack like this keep popping up on TV and then in the NYT?

NYT: To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran

PoliticusUSA: John Bolton Was Wrong About Iraq WMDs But Says Trust him on Iran Nukes By Hrafnkell Haraldsson


Glynn Kalara said...

This ass klown never goes away because he's a favorite of the war monger Corp. right. It doesn't matter how many people he kills with his policy prescriptions as long as it fills their coffers.

Gary Panos said...

Bush appointed an ambassador to the UN who didn’t believe (and still doesn’t) in either the UN or diplomacy.

Jim Sande said...

The guy is about as sour and funny as a can of rotten tuna. He's 24/7 angry and militant, another brute. Yeah, he wanted to eliminate the U.N. and Bush the Lesser in his divine wisdom makes him ambassador to the U.N.