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Tuesday, March 24, 2015


  On a cynical day I could easily see myself jumping on the Cruz bandwagon. It's like, let's get this party started and just go right for the jugular. Cruz would take the country down to such a low broken point, not even imagined, that people might actually get off their backsides and get active.

Boston Herald: Cruz eyes insurance via Obamacare, a law he vows to scrap


Anonymous said...

Cruz may not be electable, but he will make extreme rightwing views and policies acceptable–dragging the Overton Window even further to the right. So, by the time election day rolls around, America will be having a “discussion” about repealing the Estate Tax and expelling all the foreigners on American soil.

This is his actual function, whether he knows it or not. And remember, one of these assclowns will be selected & have a 50-50 chance of getting elected. No matter what people think of the choice Hilary is not going to set fire to the electorate the way Obama did and recent results indicate that the Presidential vote is going to be narrow & decided in large part by turnout and a swath of people who are not paying attention but “vote their gut”.

I’m past pointing & laughing any more.

Jim Sande said...

You know, in my lifetime I don't think there has been a more dangerous snake of a politician than Cruz. This is one torqued dude, he is a piece of work beyond the realm of imagination. Now he's going around claiming to be a scientist and that gives him the basis to deny global warming. He's a crafty piece of work, I mean it takes a lot of snake and deliberate vileness to say something like that. Yet it also seems so obvious that the country would produce something like Cruz. The man has a lot of damage to do in his career and it's true his presence moves the overall debate back to the imbecile range.

Ed said...

HA! Well put Jim!

But doesn't he get pretty good insurance as a US senator?