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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

TRNN - Are The CO2 Emissions Reduction Targets Enough To Stop Climate Catastrophe?


Glynn Kalara said...

No, there not. In an earlier post I spoke about the need to re-mediate the CO2 we've already placed up there. The warming will happen is happening because we are way over the levels of CO2 necessary to maintain the kind of planet our species has largely grown up and developed in.

Jim Sande said...

We are going to experience the effects of pumping all that CO2 into the atmosphere for a long time. It's hard for me to understand the deniers at this point, they are just not paying attention. I have no faith in governments to do this especially the US government which is an oligarchy controlled by corporate power structures including big oil. What's wrong with this picture in relation to our government working to stop global warming.