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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Unique Idea In Health Care - Communication!

NYT: Company Thinks It Has Answer for Lower Health Costs: Customer Service


Glynn Kalara said...

They have a point. I can now email some of my Drs. and it makes a BIG difference. The idea that you should only talk to your patients in a clinical setting was self serving nonsense. The truth is many Drs. just didn't want to have to deal with their patients anymore then necessary. I don't blame them to some degree , sick people can be annoying. That said, if that's a problem then you shouldn't have become a Dr. to start with.

Jim Sande said...

Lately my docs have all been hands on, but I prefer minimum contact. I think we'll see more skype like stuff, in the future. Now if they could only figure how to make it affordable and available to everyone...ahem...