Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Truth About Facebook


Glynn Kalara said...

Whose surprised. It makes perfect sense that the Intell. crowd would build out sites like this to gather our info on a vast scale while all the time appearing as just a friendly social networking site for kids etc. We all fell for it didn't we? I've backed way off of Facebook a while ago and set all my security settings in there rigidly. It's a weird creepy place I've found out and you really don't know who or what is lurking there. The truth is though that the whole net itself is a wholly created Gov't system from day 1 and before. It's creation of the Defense establishment and it was first created in the 50's to link all the SAC missile and bomber sites together with computers and networks. E-mail has existed since the mid-50's and the net as we know it was created in the late 60's after DARPA declassified some of the secrets and modalities of the defense net , because it was decided the defense network needed new nodes outside of the bases for whatever reason. It muted from there but the deepest backbones and secrets of the net are still all in the hands of the EMPIRE.

Jim Sande said...

Strange world is it not. They want to know everything about us. Somebody out there is pouring over the data looking for habits, trends, key words. Its riddled with paranoia and commercialism.