Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obama, Ridge, And Gains

The DOW and S&P gained today despite bad unemployment numbers. The financial articles are attributing it all to strength in US manufacturing and strength in China's economy. It would be interesting to get the full report on American jobs lost to China.

Tom Ridge is writing that he was pressured to raise the level on the monkey boy terror threat chart in order to help re-elect Bush. Its really simple, the Bush administration was a disgrace from the top down.

Obama is talking like health care reform will pass. I say great. I also say with the public option, thank you. And finally I say who the hell cares about these screwy birther, death panel, fear mongering people. Earth to Obama, you won by a landslide and there is a dominant Democratic Senate and Congress. Who cares what Republicans are thinking. Really, who cares.


Glynn Kalara said...

Thanks Tom just shows the rest of us the level of integrity in the GOPer party, ZERO! Anyone surprised they're not for any kind of Health reform unless of course it's one that boosts Ins. companies and Big Pharm's bottom lines. What a bunch of lying pricks.

Jim Sande said...

When it was all happening it always smelled fishy.

The GOP is not about co-operation, democracy, justice, fair play, or for that matter patriotism. Its all about authoritarianism, and enforcement through overwhelming force at all costs. It is a disgrace.