Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today's NYT op-ed piece on health insurance is a good breakdown of the demographics of the uninsured. Its informative.

We've watched the explosive town hall meetings and we are familiar with the string of misconceptions and lies out there. The lies come from the usual suspects.

One thing that is bugging me about the health insurance issue is this. Republicans are getting off the hook for all of the hideous egregious behaviors of the Bush administration.

Obama is rightfully out there to revise health care in the country. It cannot be denied that this is a major issue with major implications.

Yet, where is the heated activity over the revelations of Bush torture, Bush attempting to fix the election with terror alerts, Bush firing US attorneys, and on and on. As we know the list is massive.

I want to see more attention brought to prosecuting the criminality of the Bush administration. I don't really care what Republicans think about health care reform because they are the voice of big business alone.

Republicans are seizing health care opposition and getting off the hook with the past including their heavy hand in causing this calamitous recession.

NY Times: The Uninsured
No matter how you slice the numbers, there are tens of millions of people without insurance, often for extended periods, and there is good evidence that lack of insurance is harmful to their health.

If nothing is done to slow current trends, the number of people in this country without insurance or with inadequate coverage will continue to spiral upward.


Glynn Kalara said...

So called Health Ins. is a f* ing disgrace in this country and anyone who says other wise is either stupid or liar or they work for the bastards. Get sick and you find out real quick about rationing care because that's the Ins. Industries speciality. God forbid u get really sick with absolutely no Ins. though. if u do make damn sure your broke and destitute and then u can get Medicad. To get it though you'll need to be sick and living on the curb. This country should be ashamed @ the way it handles Health care.But we've become or maybe we always were a land without compassion or care, except for those that already have it all.

Jim Sande said...

It is a disgrace, its miserable.

I think the writer hit the nail on the head. It is a disgrace for a country that is as wealthy as the US to not have health care for all.

Glynn Kalara said...

It's a misnomer that WE are wealthy. We aren't. 2% of the Pop. owns 60% of the stock , bonds, land etc. The top 10% own 90+ %. The rest own very little and huge numbers live paycheck to paycheck with a safety net in tatters and little in the way of any savings. The cost of everything you NEED is rising and the cost of all the Chinese crap u don't need is falling. So this notion WE are rich is BS and that's why WE ( the rest of us) are having a hard time paying our Health care bills. The 12% and their party (The GOPEr and Blue Dog DINOcrats) could care less about the rest of us because their 12% has wonderful Health care and sees nothing wrong with a system they essentially either own or profit from in a huge way. They also want NO Competition preferring a MONOPOLY on this increasingly profitable market. A REAL Public Plan or Option would wreck their party. That's why it won't happen. Instead, they'll hold charity balls and their trophy wives will dole out spoonfuls of cake and tell the world how nice they are for doing it. Then off to Prada.