Saturday, August 29, 2009


Cheney is scheduled to make a pre-recorded appearance on Fox News (where else?) on Sunday.

His interview will go over his severe objection into an investigation of the CIA's use of torture under the Bush administration.

One thing that is most apparent is the level of activity from the former vice president on the MSM although it is primarily Fox.

He is on the defense and the speculation as to why is fomenting. Recall that Cheney was a strong advocate of the private contractor-mercenary even in regards to information and secret intelligence gathering. The Bush administration was interested in outsourcing spying as it were.

For example, from the Washington Post on August 19, 2007-
The Defense Intelligence Agency is preparing to pay private contractors up to $1 billion to conduct core intelligence tasks of analysis and collection over the next five years, an amount that would set a record in the outsourcing of such functions by the Pentagon's top spying agency.

The proposed contracts, outlined in a recent early notice of the DIA's plans, reflect a continuing expansion of the Defense Department's intelligence-related work and fit a well-established pattern of Bush administration transfers of government work to private contractors. source
Cheney is consumed with defending the culture of the CIA, he is concerned with moral at the CIA as a result of investigations.

Summing it up, Bush and Cheney wanted to privatize the intelligence branches and did so, by hiring private contractors to do that work. Now Cheney is defending the very institution that he wished to eliminate. That does not follow a logical progression.

McClatchy: Cheney condemns Obama's probe of CIA interrogations
A CIA inspector general's report released Monday documented how interrogators menaced "high-value" detainees with a gun and a power drill, threatened their families and used other methods that went beyond even the permissive interrogation rules set by the Bush administration Justice Department.

"The president of the United States is the chief law enforcement officer in the land," Cheney said. "I think he's trying to duck the responsibility for what's going on here. And I think it's wrong."

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