Sunday, August 30, 2009

Health Insurers Worse Than A So-Called Death Panel

Very useful op-ed from the NY Times on how the insurance companies themselves are already death panels, providing inadequate care for those who are insured and causing bankruptcy to those in great need.

NY Times: Until Medical Bills Do Us Part
A study reported in The American Journal of Medicine this month found that 62 percent of American bankruptcies are linked to medical bills. These medical bankruptcies had increased nearly 50 percent in just six years. Astonishingly, 78 percent of these people actually had health insurance, but the gaps and inadequacies left them unprotected when they were hit by devastating bills.


Glynn Kalara said...

It's amazing how the Right has turned this on it's head. The real Death squads are the so called Health Ins. mafias that are essentially unregulated monopolies in their markets.

Jim Sande said...

The media likes turmoil and so they aggressively reported on the rumblings of a few screwballs.

I want to see a public option.