Why has the media done such a poor job of identifying these groups and reporting on their support and activity. Could it be that shouting and gun toting crazies make for better TV or is there a conservative bias in the news?
McClatchy: It's been hard to tell, but health plan does have supporters
Supporters include groups with names such as PhRMA, AHIP, SEIU, AMA and AARP. Others are Health Care for America NOW, Americans for Stable Quality Care, Divided We Fail, Better Health Care Together and Partnership for Quality Care.
I believe it's just laziness on the MSM's part to some extent and also the we love a fight factor. The right knew that the media cannot look away from a fight even a manufactured one so it sent out the troops to start one. It worked. The phony anti health reform brigades like the phony tea baggers all wiped up by wealthy people or their Corps. won the day and wrecked any chance for Reform again. That it's killing people and bankrupting the country means zip.
This health care craziness is a made for media frenzy. The more I think about it the more I assume that TV execs are loving the crazy gun toting non-sense. This is a made for TV drama and they don't have to pay Tom Hanks or Jim Carey anything. The TV execs are probably pushing for more war because its gaining them viewers and better advertising revenue. This shit doesn't happen unless somebody is making a huge buck on it, come on this is America for cripes sake.
This is the tragedy and the reality, somewhere along the line the ordinary joe gets a tiny piece of the pie. The incredible irony is that if you asked gun toting joe the asshole if they would give up social security, medicare, fire departments, postal service, public schools and highways, they would look at you like you were anti-American. Crazy shit huh.
Joe works at the fucking Post Office! Some are are nit wits, others are paid for shills acting like "real" people.
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