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Sunday, August 16, 2009

MSNBC - Health Care


Glynn Kalara said...

"Dickhead" Armey got his head handed to him by Ms. Maddow today on Meet the Press. Armey had a lot of gall getting up and telling the world that there are droves of elderly Medicare patients just dying ( literally) to get off of Medicare because it sucks so bad. Like who? These rt. wing liars are just making this shit up now and the MSM doesn't even question it.

Jim Sande said...

Republicans are suffering from a chronic case of the most severe PMS ever known to humankind. Its ungodly and its brain shrinking.

They have wild emotion, rumors, hidden voices, and paranoia without stop and through their dream stages. They need time alone, out in nature, far away from the stresses of life, where they can heal and be whole.

Facts, history, calm hand holding, and smiling there there nows are pointless.