Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Barney Frank On Health Care

Barney gets off a few good ones here.


Jim Sande said...

Its true, finally a Democrat fighting at the level that the GOP knows and loves.

Maybe if this clip goes viral more of the spineless will get a little down and dirtier. Unfortunately when you are playing with the GOP there are no rules in effect. I agree right now that they should just say f.u. and pass a plan. Leave the GOP out who cares. They are the shriveling minority party.

Glynn Kalara said...

Unfortunately, I've decided that were never going to see a "plan". The plan we will get will be almost everything the Ins. Industry wants in the end. Y? Because the so called progressive wing is just a bunch of useful idiots for the Extortionist wing of the party. They're being used to scare the health mafia into paying off the Extortionist wing wity=h huge sums for protection from them. I bet Max Baucus and Kent Conrad are racking in bushels of health mafia $$ right now . They're filling they're Cayman and Swiss QBS accounts to over flowing. In the end though the Industry will pay for what it wants , which is a mandate that every American has to buy "PRIVATE Health INS." All the rest will be gone by then and the Dems will claim this fake reform is the greatest thing since Ice Tea.