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Thursday, June 07, 2007

What? - Part Three


One of the things I notice is that people have a great deal of internal pressure built up surrounding the brutal attacks on the fabric of America that Bush and company have perpetrated.

Get some people talking and soon the fury and tangible anger are present. From the events surrounding 9-11, to Iraq, to the unitary executive, to faith based initiatives, attacks on basic rights like habeus corpus, and on and on, the rejection of the Bush administration is off the chart. No president has lowered themselves so deeply to the mandate for impeachment.

The work needed to reverse and squelch the type of damage already done will take time and tremendous effort. So it is something that happens over the long haul. It is a matter of deciding that you need to do more than simply exist within the material comfort that the USA presently offers, if you are a 'have got.'

We all need to become involved in the ongoing process that we call democracy plus we need to maintain our well being. It needs to be part of your daily things to do list.


This is a huge issue. No need to go into the details of how the voting process is corrupted and abused for partisan interests. Voting reform is urgently needed. We need verifiable ballots, paper trails, larger voter turnouts, and no more Republican insiders willing to use the Rovian bag of nasty tricks for our own good - utterly contemptuous and so deserving of years in prison.

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

Representative democracy has been reduced to another authoritarian formula. Most politicians today think that democracy is getting elected and doing whatever the wealthy and powerful want. The average working person is so busy working 3 McJobs trying to keep body and soul together he or she hasn't the time, knowledge or the desire to participate, so the rich Patrician class runs and owns everything and everyone. Slavery, indentured servitude all of it is back big time because democracy is vanishing. As I see it were rapidly devolving back into some kind of more technologically advanced Roman Imperial order.