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Monday, June 04, 2007

One Year Anniversary

Sande is celebrating its one year anniversary. The name 'Sande' was chosen to celebrate and honor my brother William who passed away in 2004. He was called 'Sande' by his friends. He was very politically active and extremely well studied in politics, while simultaneously being an outstanding and remarkable visual artist.

One year ago I decided to write or post one item per day and then simply see what would happen.

I had two primary interests; to see if my writing skills would improve if I committed myself to writing each day, and to see if my understanding of the political subject matter would also improve.

What has developed is a keener interest in writing and a keener interest in the subject matter. I can say that working at a practice like writing on a daily basis does improve facility and I hope that if you have such an interest, that you set up the time and make the commitment. After all, its important to mine your interests and see if they hold promise.

I have worked on music and art for over 40 years and I have some familiarity with what a commitment can and can't yield.

Six weeks ago, I sent an article over to Smirking Chimp to see if they would have any interest. The response was positive and so now I post an article about every 4 to 5 days or so at that site and consequently to a large group of readers.

The posts seem to get picked up from there and copied onto other blogs.

My writing tactic is changing. I concentrate on one or two larger article each week and post less detailed articles on the other days. I utilize information from the smaller articles in the larger.

Writing is cool. Feeling like you are helping the political debate along even on this minor level is cool. Challenging the dominant notions which are often times incompletely understood and are usually far more complex is cool.

They say the second year is harder. We shall see.

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