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Friday, June 23, 2017

More On Hacking

Time: Election Hackers Altered Voter Rolls, Stole Private Data, Officials Say by Massimo Calabresi
...more extensive than previously reported, including at least one successful attempt to alter voter information, and the theft of thousands of voter records that contain private information like partial Social Security numbers...


Seadog said...

We can only begin to guess how deeply the Patriotic Russian Hacker Corp. has burrowed into our digital infrastructure. One gets the feeling that considering the actual breadth and depth is beyond our ability to really know at this moment in time. The sheer complexity of this system of systems makes it a playground for these people and their shady leaders. Russia today is in many respects like Germany back in the 30's and 40's a Reactionary Revanchist Rump State ( the deeply angry remains of a once great Empire.) Like Germany it seeks to be a World power once again on its own terms and using Cyber warfare is a relatively cheap way to get there. Last year The Russians had their greatest Victory putting an openly Pro-Russian candidate into the WH one that is obviously been deeply compromised and beholden to "them." Will we ever know how deeply? Under the present circumstances, it's questionable. He's going to either fire Mueller or try and sequester any report he might finally produce. The longer this whole affair goes on the better the odds are for Trumpf surviving it.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, time is on Trump's side along with the amazing ability of the American public to forget anything beyond a day old. The election system is completely broken and untrustworthy, I mean seriously, we're all going to vote at the next election and believe our votes are being properly recorded? At this point I'm not, and Trump is the last person on earth to reassure me.