Monday, August 04, 2014

The Drought

  We've been looking at this drought for some time. This is the first article that I've seen that expresses what we might have been thinking. That would be the idea of migrating people out of the worst drought affected areas. Hopefully it never gets to that but the thought has occurred.

CNBC: California drought: 'May have to migrate people'


Ed said...

Why not migrate the water? Why not water pipes from up north where it rains all the time? Is this a totally stupid idea? Too obvious? What?

Jim Sande said...

We can safely assume that bright minds are trying to find solutions of all types. Isn't it usually available money that makes things happen?

Glynn Kalara said...

The warming is starting to claim victims.

Jim Sande said...

Nothing's going to happen about global warming in the USA until it truly hits home. That's one reason why I'm so keyed into this story. In time, they will get some rain relief, it is periodic, but over the long haul it's getting worse. In the meanwhile our GOP brethren need to learn the difference between climate and weather.