Thursday, March 03, 2011

China Leads U.S. In Clean Energy - Maybe

The thing that gets me is that now all of a sudden nuclear energy is clean green energy.

I don't think so, sorry.

If nuclear energy is clean green than I'm uranium's silvery white and so are you, with radioactive isotopes circling our empty brain nucleus.

The article assumes the premise that nuclear is green, which it is not, and then goes on to applaud China for building dozens of nukes. Welcome to hell.

Maybe the alcoholics have it right after all, just go out and self medicate into oblivion all day long...

Live Science: China Leads U.S. in Clean Energy


Glynn Kalara said...

Like everything else the lying liars in the Corp. world do now they've even put an Orwellian twist to the meaning of GREEN. Nuclear energy green? maybe, they mean you'll glow green when enough of these things are built in your locale? The waste from these beasts isn't exactly green , plus they use enormous amounts of not so green concrete and steel all of which are made in not very green plants. Then it gets better the radioactive waste has nowhere to go after it's used so they store it onsite in huge water tanks..till??? It gets worse when these monsters get near the end of their life cycle about 50 yrs. the entire interior of these things has to be cut up and contained FOREVER! Then the shell has to be torn down and buried and covered with more concrete and as a final insult the radioactive fuel rods on the site become the problem of the State . Why? because the companies that own these things then proceed to go bankrupt leaving the taxpayers to foot the bill for the clean up and burial part, after of course they've made all the profits. Great deal isn't it? NOT!!

Jim Sande said...

For me the most troubling thing is now China is putting these monsters up all over that country. How nucking futs is that?