Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Bernanke Spanks GOP

All the progressive economists write that the severe deficit cutting fiasco meme that the GOP is hellbent on will be disastrous.

Look who is echoing the same thing, Bernanke - exactly, Fed Chief Bernanke.

The idea is that you continue to cultivate the recession traumatized economy with some stimulus and a slow ten year deficit plan.

It should now be crystal clear that the GOP is using the recession as an excuse to once again push through middle class threatening, democracy suppressing, and elite wealth accumulating policies. This is shock and awe everybody, except it is now being perpetrated on the US poor and middle class. Presuming you are not in the top 1% economic bracket, and if you are shame on you right now you greedy SOB, that means all of us - we the ingrates.

McClatchyDC: Bernanke: Steep budget cuts this year would threaten economy
Steep spending cuts proposed by Republicans in the House of Representatives would slow the nation's economic growth, cost jobs and work against the Federal Reserve's efforts to stimulate the economy, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned lawmakers Tuesday.

"That's why I have been trying to emphasize the need to think about the budget issue not as a current-year issue."

1 comment:

Jim Sande said...

Turns out the GOP is still in shambles. They have no vision beyond eliminating long standing policies that the vast majority of people want including most Republicans. Look at the GOP people in Wisconsin who are turning against Walker. Its the loyalty issue that binds authoritarians. The phrase "my country right or wrong" is a GOP phrase that sums it up perfectly. It has to do with maintaining loyalty above anything including the absolute truth.