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Sunday, August 01, 2010


Stoning someone to death can radically alter one's perception of the death penalty. It all seems medieval or prehistoric, not something that civilized nations or people do.

Would Americans object to her being put to death if the method was poison injection AKA legal injection.

One might suspect that there is a group of people within America that would enjoy the spectacle of this brutal act because their hatred of Islam is so great. That is unpleasant to write but unfortunately might have some truth to it.

CNN: Brazil's president offers asylum to imprisoned Iranian woman


Glynn Kalara said...

It's a brutal method indeed, but it has one facet that makes sense. It makes the whole community literally lift it's hand in the act, making such penalties very first person and not separated by degree from the population. Killing someone for a violation of law shouldn't removed to far from the publics view or it has little effect. Still such methods seem more tribal then anything else.

Jim Sande said...

That is a good point in that it makes the act closer to the public and not sterile and out of sight. The Muslims like that with public decapitations and flogging and stoning. I think its barbaric.

Glynn Kalara said...

Yea, I guess it seems barbaric to us because unlike them were not living partially in the 7th century still.