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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chris Matthews - 'Burn A Koran Day'

Tweety interviews Terry Jones about his plans for a 'Burn A Koran Day' to coincide with the anniversary of 9-11.

Jones only admires George W. Bush but a call from the ex-president would not sway his opinion.

Oh, this is really going to help.


Glynn Kalara said...

1st Korans then who? These retards are dangerous morons and are the ones who need to be watched very closely. They only seem to know how to solve problems by hitting, burning and killing.

Jim Sande said...

Its amazing, the guy is complaining about sharia law because its too cruel (and it is too cruel) and then he goes on to do the same thing, to demonstrate utter stupidity.

Glynn Kalara said...

Have you ever noticed that all these wing nuts lack any sense of irony, and the rest more frighteningly also lack a sense of humor. Beck is of the 1st variety, he doesn't lack a sense of humor and I think it's because underneath all the crazy rants it's just show biz and he's riding his 15 mins. for as much as he can squeeze out of it.

Jim Sande said...

If you want to protest the cruelty of sharia law, that's fine, protest away. But why go it about with the deliberate need to irritate and provoke 2 billion people. I would suspect there are far more Muslims out there who will see this guy for his absolute immaturity than anything else.